

There were several misprinted items on the physical cards I shared:

  1. “Elul 5785” should either read “Elul 5784” or “Nisan 5785.”

  2. The text on the back of the card should read as follows:

Dear friends and family,

I’m wishing you the sweetest holiday season. 🍯

This year, I’m learning to slow down and appreciate life’s small comforts. There’s nothing like a mug of hot tea with milk and honey on a crisp fall day, the feel of a sturdy leather sandal on your foot, or the smell of freshly-cut grass in the springtime. 🌞 I’ve learned a lot this year about who I want to be as a person and what directions I want to grow in. ⬆️ I hope you’ve also found opportunities to grow, and that you have space in your heart to accept the person I’m becoming. 🌱

I’d like to share some pleasant news: I’ve started my own small business! I’m now an independent consultant (Elite Class) selling Bos products. 👡 If you’re interested in luxury herbal teas or well-made leather sandals, I’d be happy to take some time and give you a personalized recommendation. 🐄 It’s really given me the opportunity to take control of my time and finances. ⌚ I can’t recommend Bos products enough, and the lifestyle they’ve unlocked for me is absolutely fabulous. 💓 I feel like a whole new person. 👶 I’d recommend it to anyone! 💯 As a Bos consultant, you could expect…

🧑‍💼 Be your own supervisor

✨ Sell things you’re pleased about

🏠 Work from your bedroom

Discounted products

💸 No fees

📈 Potential for advancement

If you’d like to chat about starting your own Bos business, please feel free to contact me! Or, if you’re ready to take the leap, you can apply at

Much love,
